New York Musings

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Look at me Mom, I'm blogging!

Oooh! Ooh! Two posts in one month! Now I'm really going!

So, I'm in Idaho Falls for a month, working the Mary Kay business a little more. We are still going for the car by our anniversary - April 21. We think it is doable, especially with me not being in a class in the spring.

Speaking of class, I still don't know what my final grade was or really even if I passed. I don't know why this class was so much harder that my undergrad, or even my master's that I did in night classes, but it was. Maybe because I didn't know anybody. Maybe because ever part of me detested being there. Maybe both.

So, today is Saturday, and next Friday Eric and I will go down to Salt Lake, then fly out early early Sunday morning with Mom and Eric to go to Venezuela! Can you all believe it?!! My mom is going with us to Venezuela!! Honestly, it is really incredible the way things change. I still can barely believe that I ever went to venezuela, AND that I went so far as to MARRY someone from there, and now even my MOM is going there - to South America! Crazy!!!

But, it is true. So, we leave Boise on Friday, December 20 something, and we will fly back in to the country on January 6. We will speak some spanish and eat arepas and caraotas in the middle. My husband is in seventh heaven right now, thinking about going back. God Bless him for having been away from his family for over a year so that he could be with me. He deserves this trip.

So - to my adoring fans (all three of you) - have a very wonderful holiday season and a splendid New Year! I promise to take lots of pictures.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Quick Update

Ok, Im trying to make a concerted effort to blog more regularly. Here is the skinny on my current life:

Work is a little lame. Well, frustrating is more the word. I feel like Im working for a nonprofit company. Not enough people, too much work. Yuck!

Im almost done with my calculus theory class. Love the content, dont like going.

Leaving for Venezuela in two weeks with mom and Eric. Eric couldnt be more excited.

Played the viola in a musical - Yay! Music!

Garage door opener disconnected from the door.

Mary Kay business, with my new business partner Eric, is hopping. Shop online at We will earn the company car (pontiac Vibe) by our first anniversary.

Sean is back from Africa! Yay for living through two years of Peacecorps in south africa!!

My cousin Erik and I have been talking much more. I love him and had missed him also. yay for family!!!

My dad lost a lot of weight. Im so proud of him!!

Eric is probably transferring to Albertson for the spring semester. We hope.

I'm still messy.