New York Musings

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Finding God in NYC

I remember a sermon from when I had only been in New York about 6 months that was titled, "Where is God in New York City?" I don't know if anyone remembers, but it wasn't long after I saw one of my students get attacked because of some gang activity. At the time, I had closed off my heart and decided that God was not in New York City at all. That sermon especially spoke to me.

Over the last few months, I've really been trying to find a church that I felt was a good fit for my spiritual needs. For awhile, I just refused to try because I was too scared. I've realized that when you don't really have any attachment to a specific denomination, or some other guiding force, finding a new church is sort of like dating... you try a few out, you see if they say anything that you just can't stomach, you see how they treat their mothers and their children... and you eventually find a match, then deciding to open up your heart and share your life. It's a scary commitment. In visiting different churches in New York I've realized that beyond the differences in style or music or congregation size, there are two main classifications that I have noticed. There are the churches here that have given in to what I call "New York City life" which means that casual sex is unavoidable, drinking a little beyond what is healthy is still morally acceptable, and many other things that millions of people are engaging in will not be spoken against for fear of losing members of the congregation. New York has a very migrant population and this applies also to churchgoers - they travel around. Then there are the other churches who are not afraid to stick to their guns, and are some of the morally strongest establishments that I have witnessed. These churches are fighting with all of their hearts and strength and resources to try to break down the "Sex in the City" stereotypes and reach the lost people in their 20s and 30s who are being torn between God's will and the pressures of the city life.

I attended a service today at the 5th Ave Presbyterian Church. A friend recommended that I check it out, and, oddly, I listened. I guess I sort of realized that I had closed my heart to a huge population within the Christian community by refusing the check out any denominational church. I think I will stick with this one for awhile. Partially, it is because if I really want to go on a mission this summer, I need to open myself up so that my heart can be molded. The second reason was something that the pastor said in his message. He came here ten years ago from Texas. He said that he loves preaching in New York because New Yorkers are not practicing Christianity blindly, but, like with everything else, they are stubborn and resistant, develop questions and seek answers. New Yorkers are not afraid to spar with God and throw some punches or even bite if necessary, but knowing all the while that God may punch back because He has defenses of his own.

Some days I really hate it here. It's no secret. But today, as I am sitting in the middle of a park (fully equipped with wireless internet) and I think about the many different faces of Christianity, I think maybe some parts of it aren't so bad, even if they are a little more difficult to find.


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