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- Necesito aprender falar portugeus!!
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Personal Advertising
- Eric and My MaryKay Website!!
Go here to view MaryKay products, compare colors, request a catalog, or place an order
At 12:52 PM,
Anonymous said…
Cute. The glasses are definately NY business woman. Of course, everything looks great on you. Is the necklace a Brazil purchase? Also, your outfit looks like you're still in Brazil. It's winter in the U.S. - put some clothes on. :) Love, Mom
At 2:31 PM,
MorsaJones said…
your mom's funny. nice specs. needing to get a pair myself. maybe i'll get a pair just like them and it'll be just like our sandels.
where are your pictures?
At 6:56 PM,
Jennifer Q said…
Sara- I need to get new sandals, but I wanted to check with you first to see what youre wearing now. Brown? Black? Brand? Style?
Half of my pictures are on my flickr page. Im working on getting the rest up there.
At 5:56 PM,
-Laurel- said…
you look super cute. I should ut that in my phone as your ID picture. (I just got a new phone and am loving photo caller Id. I'm a nerd.)
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