New York Musings

Friday, September 16, 2005


I cannot stand humidity. I went to the gym yesterday, came home, and thought, "Why bother showering? Five minutes later I will be sticky and gross again." I don't know if the air is actually stickier humid in New York, but it feels like it. When I was in Miami last summer, the humidity level was very high, but I don't remember feeling as much like the humidity contained elements of stick and grime. But maybe it is my NYC animosity that inclines me to assume the worst of the humidity here. Regardless, yesterday, at 1 am, it was still between 75 and 80 degrees and extremely humid. Yuck!!! I deal with it better than when I first moved here though. Now I dont feel like severing a finger or something to distract me from it. I simply just sit.... very still... and try not to think about it.


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