New York Musings

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Signing off...

Okay, I am off to save the world. Well, maybe not the WHOLE world, but hopefully touch a few lives... create a ripple effect... that sort of thing. You know, religion and all that aside, an integral part of who I am is that I truly believe that what I do makes a difference. Someone asked me that question - Do you really think it makes a difference? And my answer, after some honest contemplation, was - yes. I truly do.

Above all else, I hope that I always will believe that I have the capacity to effect positive change in the world. And I hope that everyone else can believe that about themselves also. Without that belief, the world is lost and all of the problems of today will just worsen.

So, from NYC, this is Jenny, signing off. I will return to a computer August 3, at which point I am sure I will have some crazy Venezuelan stories to tell (in spanish, so start practicing).

Best wishes to all.

(ps. check out mom's blogger and send her some love while Im gone. She's gonna be bored. Especially you, frank... haha...)


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