Christian Fasting... a tricky subject
Fasting is a subject that is often misunderstood by people who have never fasted, and people who have. I am not sure that I even really know what I am talking about, but today I am doing a liquids only fast, so i decided it is a good time to discuss it a bit.
First of all, I think the idea of fasting has become kind of taboo - associated with an eating disorder almost. Maybe that's just in my head, but Im still saying it, because all these thoughts are from my head. While fasting regularly used to be a much more commonplace occurence, especially among Christians, I think it is now fairly unpopular.
Second, fasting is never meant to bring harm to the individual. For example, if I were to not eat or drink anything for a whole day, I would be so wiped out, dizzy, etc. that it would take me two days to recooperate. So, for me personally, I would never do a full fast because the physical toll would be too great, and that isn't the point.
So what IS the point?
Well, the idea, as I understand it, is to give up something assuming that God will replace that something with some sort of spiritual hoo hah. Take hoo hah to mean what you want. But, maybe you have an issue you are grappling with or a decision to make... so you may fast for a day and pray, hoping that by giving up food or drink or whatever you are fasting from, God will provide you with spiritual guidance. Or, you may not have a specific issue in mind, but just want to pray and have a time of a stronger relationship with God in general.
So, today I am fasting for various reasons. First, it is memorial day - a holiday whose meaning is too often forgotten. Many thousands of people have given their lives for us in this war, the Gulf War, Vietnam, Korea, the World Wars... and while I do not necessarily agree with the motives of war, unarguably many brave men have sacrificed for my safety, and more importantly, their families today are still sacrificing every single day. Part of why I am fasting is to ask God to help me to remember that thousands of people have given up their lives for me. Second, I am going on a mission soon (july 5!) and I am praying about the best way to use my time over the next few weeks to prepare for the trip. I have been trying to do various things - read my Bible, read other Christian writings, Study spanish, panic - and with my wheels spinning, I am not effectively preparing in any way. So I am also asking for a clearer path and some guidance.
I know other people who fast regularly, but don't really talk about it and don't make a scene about it. I was going to post and say I was fasting today just so that i would have to actually do it. But then I decided with as much as I was confused about fasting a few years ago, that this is a good opportunity for a little clarification. I do not assume to know everything, and in fact, I really had to sit down, research, and think this out a lot before writing it. But, hopefully this helps some others with a little more clarity.
First of all, I think the idea of fasting has become kind of taboo - associated with an eating disorder almost. Maybe that's just in my head, but Im still saying it, because all these thoughts are from my head. While fasting regularly used to be a much more commonplace occurence, especially among Christians, I think it is now fairly unpopular.
Second, fasting is never meant to bring harm to the individual. For example, if I were to not eat or drink anything for a whole day, I would be so wiped out, dizzy, etc. that it would take me two days to recooperate. So, for me personally, I would never do a full fast because the physical toll would be too great, and that isn't the point.
So what IS the point?
Well, the idea, as I understand it, is to give up something assuming that God will replace that something with some sort of spiritual hoo hah. Take hoo hah to mean what you want. But, maybe you have an issue you are grappling with or a decision to make... so you may fast for a day and pray, hoping that by giving up food or drink or whatever you are fasting from, God will provide you with spiritual guidance. Or, you may not have a specific issue in mind, but just want to pray and have a time of a stronger relationship with God in general.
So, today I am fasting for various reasons. First, it is memorial day - a holiday whose meaning is too often forgotten. Many thousands of people have given their lives for us in this war, the Gulf War, Vietnam, Korea, the World Wars... and while I do not necessarily agree with the motives of war, unarguably many brave men have sacrificed for my safety, and more importantly, their families today are still sacrificing every single day. Part of why I am fasting is to ask God to help me to remember that thousands of people have given up their lives for me. Second, I am going on a mission soon (july 5!) and I am praying about the best way to use my time over the next few weeks to prepare for the trip. I have been trying to do various things - read my Bible, read other Christian writings, Study spanish, panic - and with my wheels spinning, I am not effectively preparing in any way. So I am also asking for a clearer path and some guidance.
I know other people who fast regularly, but don't really talk about it and don't make a scene about it. I was going to post and say I was fasting today just so that i would have to actually do it. But then I decided with as much as I was confused about fasting a few years ago, that this is a good opportunity for a little clarification. I do not assume to know everything, and in fact, I really had to sit down, research, and think this out a lot before writing it. But, hopefully this helps some others with a little more clarity.
At 2:26 PM,
Jennifer Q said…
mom! Don't embarass me in front of my blog friends! (Just kidding, of course)
Okay, first of all... Im drinking juice and tea and stuff. Second, it is just 24 hours. Third, I'm losing weight because I hadn't gone to the gym in like 3 or 4 weeks and because I had been so sick. Let's not make this out to be Jenny with the eating disorder. I ate a HUGE hamburger at a BBQ yesterday.
At 9:40 AM,
Anonymous said…
Fasting is believed to bring the person closer to God. It is a form of self harm, so why not go the whole hog and get a small whip like some roman catholics use? That would be a logical continuation.
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