New York Musings

Monday, June 27, 2005

Good People marathon - Part III - the wedding

Okay, this post is a week overdue. My apologies to the good people included in this posting who had not yet been mentioned.

8. Juan - This is the friend who was getting married - the whole reason I was in LA. I met Juan in California, when I went to the University of Redlands. The city of Redlands collects all of the smog that comes in from LA, and I was getting headaches. Juan came to me one day and said that the next morning he was going to drive into the mountains to Lake Arrowhead and asked me to join him, hoping that the fresh air would help me feel better. It did help. Juan was also the person who brought me a Bible and told me there might be some good advice inside of it, even though I didn't believe in it. I stayed up the entire night reading, and have considered myself a Christian ever since. I am happy that we have stayed in touch and that he made me a part of his wedding day.

9. Juan's family - This is just one of the greatest families that I have ever met. Every time that I am in LA, they make me feel as if I am one of the family. I have stayed with them a few times on vacation, and even visited with my mother. Juan's parents are a good example of a loving, healthy set of parents who raised their children unselfishly and with lots of love. Being around this family and seeing them all work together to basically put together a whole wedding and reception on their own was refreshing.

10. Linda - Ive tributed Linda before, but I can never mention her enough really. She has moved to San Diego and will be doing her residency there. Linda is a sweet loving person who I know will be a good friend to me, regardless of how much or how little she agrees with me sometimes. I can go to her for anything, and share anything with her. Anyone who knows her is lucky to have her in their life. I wish she would update her blog a little more often though. hehe.

11. Casey - Casey is Linda's husband and has also become a good friend of mine. I particularly enjoy discussing problems or thoughtsi with Linda and Casey because when Linda and I may just sit there being girls and thinking like girls, Casey always brings a different perspective. He has a knack for trying to see things through the eyes of the other person involved. More importantly, he is a wonderful husband to one of my dearest friends.

And then I flew back to New York. What a week!


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