New York Musings

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Onde e a correio?

There's my phrase... where is the post office? I spent weeks listening to portugeuse tapes, and I feel that is maybne the only useful phrase that I learned. Okay, maybe a few other things like food words and some basic verb conjungations, but essentially nothing of any use. However, if anyone would like a postcard (aka, a certain Nevadan) they should email me their address and I will make sure I find a local post office , using my immaculate portugeuse, to send one.

My flight leaves in 4 hours. So I leave here in 45 minutes... Two subway trains, then the air train to get to JFK. Then a plane to Sao Paulo Brazil and another to Vitoria Brazil. yay!

What's on my mind...
There was an article about the Kyoto protocol issues in the NY Times yesterday. (it's so weird that I read the NY Times actually in print... in new york) I am always horrified when I look at the statistics regarding the emissions issues. America accounts for 20 per cent of the world's greenhouse gas emissions. We are some of the dirtiest, world polluting people. And yet, we refuse to agree to the clauses set forth in the Kyoto document because we insist that we should get credits because we have so much cropland, and it should be counted the same way that forests are counted as carbon sinks. But, croplands don't clean the ick out of the air that we are putting into it. Plus, if the crops were counted, we would get so many credits that then we wouldn't even need to reduce emissions (probably the point, right?). I don't understand how we can consider ourselves so advanced and "world-savers" when we are destroying the air and the environment that everyone shares. IN the article, someone said that it isn't like America is just polluting a river that we only drink out of... we are contributing to a pollution type that affects all other aspects of the world.... the soil, the temperature, the water... and in all other countries also.

My quote of the week last week...

Matt said to me, "Are you going to watch the state of the union address?"

I replied... "What? The state of the union? i KNOW the state of the union... I don't need the president to tell me that the state of the union is that everyone's stupid and selfish." Besides, he probably won't say that anyways and everything else is just crap.

Off to Brazil!!!! Thank goodness for a week off in February! Adeus!


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