Leaving on a Jet Plane again
12 hours and counting! I am off to Brazil!! Crazy. I cant believe that I am going to cross the equator. I can't wait to check the toilets!
Things have been crazy busy the last couple of weeks. Teaching Statistics is really fun, and its great because there is no state test at the end of the year, but there is no textbook or curriculum so it means a lot of extra work. Fun work though. I am also going to these training sessions every two or three weeks for Assistant Principals. Yay!!! Its funny because Im like 30 years younger than everyone else t the meetings. They are all talking about hiring issues and all these other things that I dont know about at all. It is a three year program though, so I am going to try to talk my school into actually making me the official math department lead teacher. We really need it. But, everytime I go to one of those meetings it means preparing substitute lesson plans then grading whatever work I left for the students.
So, overall, I have had a lot of things to do, but all very positive and good things. Im really happy. The thesis class that I am taking is ridiculous and the people in it are ridiculous but its only 50 minutes. The Organizational Health Psychology (OHP) class is great. I have to read tons of articles each week about these groundbreaking studies on the relationship between work and every other aspect of life, but it is VERY interesting. It's funny the ways that organizations could restructure to save themselves money and improve the lives of their employees. For example, Volvo decided that instead of using the assembly line, which seperates the worker from ever seeing the product of their work, they would create "teams" that would each build a car from start to finsh, therefore allowing them to see the finished product and increase job satisfaction. Neat.
Have to teach. I will post once more before I leave.
Things have been crazy busy the last couple of weeks. Teaching Statistics is really fun, and its great because there is no state test at the end of the year, but there is no textbook or curriculum so it means a lot of extra work. Fun work though. I am also going to these training sessions every two or three weeks for Assistant Principals. Yay!!! Its funny because Im like 30 years younger than everyone else t the meetings. They are all talking about hiring issues and all these other things that I dont know about at all. It is a three year program though, so I am going to try to talk my school into actually making me the official math department lead teacher. We really need it. But, everytime I go to one of those meetings it means preparing substitute lesson plans then grading whatever work I left for the students.
So, overall, I have had a lot of things to do, but all very positive and good things. Im really happy. The thesis class that I am taking is ridiculous and the people in it are ridiculous but its only 50 minutes. The Organizational Health Psychology (OHP) class is great. I have to read tons of articles each week about these groundbreaking studies on the relationship between work and every other aspect of life, but it is VERY interesting. It's funny the ways that organizations could restructure to save themselves money and improve the lives of their employees. For example, Volvo decided that instead of using the assembly line, which seperates the worker from ever seeing the product of their work, they would create "teams" that would each build a car from start to finsh, therefore allowing them to see the finished product and increase job satisfaction. Neat.
Have to teach. I will post once more before I leave.
At 3:03 PM,
MorsaJones said…
dude! i'm jealous. send me a postcard. or bring me back a rock or something. er. learn a phrase in portuguese you can teach me. or. i don't know. something.
and it sounds like you really have your business under control over there.. that's awesome.. what a great example you set for the rest of us that're not quite there yet.. :)
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