Naps and VapoRub
Well, I mildly gave in to my sickness. I have been sick for about a week now. Last Thursday, I took a nap and woke up with a sore throat. The next day I drank 6 thermoses of green tea. I have a water cooler at work that dispenses hot water, so I have had a steady tea stream going every day since. I thought I was starting to get better. I blame my classroom though. The air conditioning that I loved, and which was actually the final factor in my accepting this job, has now become my worst enemy. The temperature in my classroom is literally about 55-60 degrees. I wear my coat all day long. But I think that my germs are dancing with glee because of it. I've been trying to fight this thing completely without any sort of chemicals (no cough drops, cold pills, tylenol, etc.) Today though, with a great cough and chest pains to accompany, I am breaking down and using vaporub. I have two variations of it - the standard, and the greaseless cream - so I am reverting back to being like 8 years old, sitting in a tank top, and smelling of the distinct aroma of menthol. Its a beautiful thing. We'll see if it helps. By "we" I mean myself and you, my adoring public.
I'm getting loopy too. I drew a picture of Idaho and put all these labels on it for where ACI is, where my home is, drew some stick figures of cats and me and me as a kid, and hung it on the wall in my classroom. Then in 8th period today, after a nice cough attack, I asked the students if anyone has a parent thats a doctor so I wouldnt have to go in. Nobody did. Im trying my other classes tomorrow. I need to start using these kids more to my advantage.
I took a 4 hour nap today. I'm not necessarily directing that comment to any certain person in particular, but if you feel like I would be sticking my tongue out at you in a sort of "What do you think of that?" sort of way as I say that, you are probably right. Some things you just can't change. You're either born a napper, or you aren't.
I'm getting loopy too. I drew a picture of Idaho and put all these labels on it for where ACI is, where my home is, drew some stick figures of cats and me and me as a kid, and hung it on the wall in my classroom. Then in 8th period today, after a nice cough attack, I asked the students if anyone has a parent thats a doctor so I wouldnt have to go in. Nobody did. Im trying my other classes tomorrow. I need to start using these kids more to my advantage.
I took a 4 hour nap today. I'm not necessarily directing that comment to any certain person in particular, but if you feel like I would be sticking my tongue out at you in a sort of "What do you think of that?" sort of way as I say that, you are probably right. Some things you just can't change. You're either born a napper, or you aren't.
At 3:13 PM,
MorsaJones said…
i was definitely born a napper. go nappers. yeah.
At 4:02 PM,
Mike said…
Real nerds take naps! Take that certain particular person!
At 4:13 PM,
-Laurel- said…
I always nap on weekends, and have taken little naps at work on occasion. I love them. Like in a few hours, I'll probably be napping here.
At 5:22 PM,
Jennifer Q said…
when i was at Redlands, every morning I would go to my calculus class, sit there for about 10 minutes, then leave all of my stuff there and go sit in the bathroom and take a nap for 20 minutes. Then come back like nothing happened. My teacher never said anything, but Ive always wondered what he thought.
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