New York Musings

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Water taxi

Now here is the REAL taxi of New York. Please take note of the serene brownish green tint to the water. As I reflect on this picture, I feel my love for the city growing. Maybe the New Yorkers, with all of their pride, are correct and the city really DOES have everything that a person could ever need... no reason to ever even consider going anywhere else.

Well, unless, of course... you believe that there still exists a land where water is clear, or of a blueish green hue.  Honestly, if you believe that, you probably are one of the radicals that buys all that crap about us landing on the moon too.  

Did I mention that my apartment building isnt even wired for cable yet... As in... no hookups, no connections running into the building... nothing.  New York is SOOO cutting edge.  Posted by Hello


  • At 10:15 PM, Blogger davegkugler said…

    Compiling a list of Seattle places to visit. ;) I'll try to email them to you later this week.

    Cable is overrated anyways (I never watch TV)...that is, as long as you have some kind of high speed internet!

  • At 9:09 AM, Blogger Jennifer Q said…

    There had been some ambiguity as to whether DSL was even an option here also. But I have it now, and it works. I couldn't have gone through another summer with dial-up.

    On a side note, specifically to you Dave, I was in that Socialization and the Life Course class with Lorentzen with you.


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