Water taxi

Now here is the REAL taxi of New York. Please take note of the serene brownish green tint to the water. As I reflect on this picture, I feel my love for the city growing. Maybe the New Yorkers, with all of their pride, are correct and the city really DOES have everything that a person could ever need... no reason to ever even consider going anywhere else.
Well, unless, of course... you believe that there still exists a land where water is clear, or of a blueish green hue. Honestly, if you believe that, you probably are one of the radicals that buys all that crap about us landing on the moon too.
Did I mention that my apartment building isnt even wired for cable yet... As in... no hookups, no connections running into the building... nothing. New York is SOOO cutting edge.

At 10:15 PM,
davegkugler said…
Compiling a list of Seattle places to visit. ;) I'll try to email them to you later this week.
Cable is overrated anyways (I never watch TV)...that is, as long as you have some kind of high speed internet!
At 9:09 AM,
Jennifer Q said…
There had been some ambiguity as to whether DSL was even an option here also. But I have it now, and it works. I couldn't have gone through another summer with dial-up.
On a side note, specifically to you Dave, I was in that Socialization and the Life Course class with Lorentzen with you.
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