My new pet

My New Pet

Well, here he is... the newest addition to my home. Sorry the picture isnt clearer, but there isnt a lot of light near the drain in my bathtub... Which leads me to the story..
Two days ago, I was leaving my apartment and I saw a huge cockroach on the sidewalk. I commented on its size to Sean, and debated whether to kill it or not. I try to kill as few of bugs as possible, generally preferring to invoke a mindset of not disturbing something that is not disturbing me. Plus, it would have made an awful crunching noise/feeling that I didn't want to deal with.
The next morning I was showering. I heard something drop, but I figured it was just the lid to my razor or something. I finished up, turned off the water, grabbed my towel and began to dry off. I felt something in my hair though, so I sort of shook it out. Granted, I can barely see when I am taking a shower because I don't have my glasses or contacts in, but when this huge brown thing landed on my foot, I knew exactly who it was. It was none other than my new neighbor from the day before, coming to pay me a visit. In my hair. In the shower.
So the moral of the story is that even if something SEEMS like it won't come attack you in your most private of times, the shower, you better kill it just in case.
(Seriously.... the shower?! Why does the weird stuff always happen to me?)
At 11:14 AM,
davegkugler said…
Ewwww. Things I don't miss about visiting the East Coast. =)
At 4:20 PM,
MorsaJones said…
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